Constructivism and reflexivism in international relations theory
Since the publication of Wendt’s Anarchy is what States Make of It (1992), there has been a deep shift into a constructivist alternative in International […]
Chercheur au Centre d'études des crises et conflits internationaux de l'Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique) et au Centre of International Studies de l'Université de Cambridge (Royaume-Uni)
Theoretical approaches 1 janvier 2003
Since the publication of Wendt’s Anarchy is what States Make of It (1992), there has been a deep shift into a constructivist alternative in International […]
– Résumé La publication par Alexander Wendt d’Anarchy is what States Make of It (1992), a propulsé le constructivisme au rang d’alternative conceptuelle majeure en […]