The American superpower was profoundly affected by the New York and Washington attacks of September 11th, 2001. Shortly thereafter, the world was a witness to America’s homeland being turned into a sanctuary. The trans-national terrorist threat having showed its capacity to hit forcefully on the American soil, American government leaders had to rethink their national security apparatus drastically. US national security, which had been provided from a forward global presence for so long, became the top priority, especially that of the homeland. Thinking homeland security meant, among other things, being preoccupied with the protection of America’s critical infrastructures, as well as the protection of its core values, essential to the well-being of American people and State. In the context of global war against terrorism, setting of a security architecture able to counter the diffuse, insidious, and multidimensional threat of terrorism appeared to be imperative. As for the constitution of the National Security State that emerged from Second World War, the innate fear of a Garrison-State was reintroduced in the American elite’s views in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001. –Summary AFRI-2003