Pakistan is going through a singular period in its history: it is being decisively confronted to very strong interior and exterior tensions that represent so many threats to its territorial, diplomatic and nuclear sovereignty. The fundamentals of its national security are now openly challenged by American interests, for whom Afghanistan has become the summa ratio of their foreign policy and India one of their officially major strategic partner. Islamabad, affected by a growing leadership crisis because of the competition between civilians and the military on all fields of national security, as well as by the poor state of its financial situation, under the urge to clean up its Pashtun tribal zones, strives to maintain its credibility. The events in Bombay in December 2008 seem to help it to remind how central the Kashmiri question is in regional stability, in the hope that the new Obama administration would allow it to make a « negotiated » aggiornamento instead of a unilateral one, submitted under the dual pressure of India and the United States.