The kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The aftermath of 11 September 2001 attacks lays stress on a significant turmoil in the political life of the Saudi Kingdom and on its regional […]
The aftermath of 11 September 2001 attacks lays stress on a significant turmoil in the political life of the Saudi Kingdom and on its regional […]
The end of the Cold War, the Reagan Presidency and the era of President George Bush are crucial to understand the current policies. That period […]
Within the context of broadening the European Union to include ten new member States on May 1st, 2004, the European Commission has created a new […]
The Russian-Chechen war is far from being over; it is relevant task oneself about the mechanisms of such a situation : why does not the […]
In Central Asia, beyond tension over ethnic, gas or water disputes, low intensity conflicts against Islamic terrorists and drug traffickers are posing increasing threats to […]
A year after his 2004 election, Mikhail Saakachvili can be credited of a first very positive outcome : Georgia is engaged in a deeply reform […]
In many accounts of Pakistan, the « land of the pure » appears as a weak state, on the verge of collapse under the combined […]
In October 2003, launching the first « space navigator » or Yuangyuan, represented a dramatic spatial Chinese achievement. What does this demonstration of capacity mean […]
Since the fall of the URSS and in light of the « velvet revolution » in Georgia in autumn of 2003, Southern Caucasia (Armenia, Azerbaïdjan, […]